BJP spokesperson mocked Nobel laureate Abhijit Banerjee, said this
BJP spokesperson mocked Nobel laureate Abhijit Banerjee, said this

Chennai: Indian-origin economist Abhijeet Banerjee, Esther Duflo and another economist Michael Kramer were jointly given the 2019 Nobel Prize for Economics for their contribution to economics. Abhijeet is currently a Ford Foundation International Professor of Economics at the US-based Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). 58-year-old Abhijeet and Esther have been given this honour for the work done to reduce poverty globally.

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Abhijit Banerjee often criticizes the economic policies of the present government. So they were not welcomed in the way they should be. The Tamil Nadu BJP spokesperson has mocked Abhijeet when he received the Nobel Prize. BJP Tamil Nadu spokesman SG Surya congratulated Abhijeet Banerjee, saying that the Nobel Prize in Economics is not technically a Nobel. He tweeted, "There is no Nobel Prize for Economics category".

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Abhijit Banerjee has won is an award for Economic Science in Memory of Alfred Nobel and congratulations to him! Along with this, he also shared a screenshot in the tweet. The screenshot of the detail given on the official website of the Nobel Prize was that the prize for economics science is not a Nobel Prize. Abhijeet was born on 21 February 1961 in Dhule, Maharashtra. Both father Deepak Banerjee and mother Nirmala Banerjee were well-known professors of Kolkata. Father Deepak Banerjee was Professor of Economics at the Presidency College and mother was Professor at the Center for Studies in Social Sciences, Kolkata.

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