Tariff war: Trump asserts EU is 'as bad as China' on trade
Tariff war:  Trump asserts EU is 'as bad as China' on trade


Washington D.C. [USA], Jul 2 (NT): In a mocking hit on its cronies over the imposition of tariffs, United States President Donald Trump stated that the "European Union is as bad as China" in its buy and sell policies.

President Trump's remarks came after he was asked by host Maria Bartiromo on Fox News's "Sunday Morning Futures," that whether Washington D.C. was planning to come together with its associates to fight Beijing's trade policies, The Hill reported.

"The European Union is possibly as bad as China, just smaller. It's terrible what they do to us. I love those countries, Germany, and all of the countries. Scotland. But they treat us very badly. They treat us very unfairly," Trump sataed.

President Trump further asserted that "his parents were born in the EU."

Notably President Trump's mother was born in the United Kingdom, while his father hailed from New York.

The US President criticized other countries that were having trade shortfall with the US, asserting that "each of those nations should be subject to tariffs, regardless of broader alliances."

 As we all know that, The Trump administration has been just imposing tariffs on other nations, claiming that the US was "being treated unfair on trade," heaving serious worries of a global trade war.

 Worth mention here the US declared to slap 25 and 10 percent tariffs on steel and aluminium respectively on three of its major trading allies - Canada, Mexico and the EU on May 31.

In a tit-for-tat move The EU and Canada have also imposed tariffs.





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