The government has decided to give 10 per cent reservation in education and jobs to those who are economically weak.
The government has decided to give 10 per cent reservation in education and jobs to those who are economically weak.

Hyderabad:The Chief Minister of Langana State K.R. Chandrasekhar Rao announced this on Thursday. The Chief Minister's Office issued a statement giving this information. The government has decided to give 10 per cent reservation to the economically weaker sections of the state, i.e. e.e. EWS and Economically weak.

The Chief Minister said that a high-level review meeting will be convened in the next two to three days and the appropriate orders will be issued. Chandrashekhar Rao has made it clear that the Chief Minister is not going to damage the existing reservation system. These 10 per cent reservation stakewill be added to economically weaker sections.

Explain that there is already 50 per cent reservation in the state. After the implementation of eWS reservation, now 60 per cent of the total seats will come under reservation. The Chief Minister had earlier promised to give 12 per cent reservation to Muslims. However, it cannot be implemented by the Supreme Court's orders. The Supreme Court has ordered that the reservation limit should be fixed only up to 50 per cent.

Telangana CM has once again announced that 60 per cent seats are reserved in the state. Now see how the Muslim community will react to this decision, which has already promised 12 per cent reservation. Earlier this week, the upper caste communities in Telangana gave the ultimatum to the state government seeking reservation.

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