The Multireligious Symbolism of 'OM + 786' in 'Oh My God'
The Multireligious Symbolism of 'OM + 786' in 'Oh My God'

The movie "Oh My God" stands out in the world of Indian cinema as a provocative and satirical look at religious practises, rites, and dogmas. The 2012 movie directed by Umesh Shukla examines the confluence of spirituality and consumerism critically. The number plate on Krishna's motorbike, which reads "OM + 786," serves as a subtly expressive symbol in the film. This seemingly unimportant detail hints at the coexistence of different faiths in India through its significant cultural and religious connotations. In this article, we'll delve into the rich symbolism of this licence plate and consider how it relates to the three main religions that the film depicts: secularism, Islam, and Hinduism.

The "OM" symbol, which is frequently written as "Aum," has a profound meaning in Hinduism. It is regarded as the most sacred sound and symbolises Brahman, the ultimate reality. The three letters in the symbol, A, U, and M, stand for creation, preservation, and destruction, the three basic facets of the universe. These syllables combine into a continuous vibration when they are properly pronounced, signifying the interconnectedness of all life forms.

A subtle nod to Hinduism can be seen in "Oh My God," where Krishna's bike number plate features the "OM" symbol. The book is a representation of the protagonist's spiritual quest and his effort to analyse the dogmatism and commercialization that have engulfed religion. Krishna makes a statement about his faith in the core of Hinduism while criticising the flimsy practises that have grown up around it by emblazoning the "OM" symbol on his bicycle.

Particular significance is attached to the number "786" in Islam, particularly in South Asia. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, this numerical representation is derived from the Arabic phrase "Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim," which means "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful." When you add the numerical values of the corresponding letters in this phrase, which are all Arabic letters with numerical values, you get 786. As a result, many people use this number to invoke divine blessings because it is thought to be lucky.

In "Oh My God," Krishna's licence plate has "786" on it, which acts as a bridge to Islam and emphasises the inclusivity of the movie's message. It represents the focus on harmony and the universal principles that underlie all religions. In the film, Krishna, portrayed by Paresh Rawal, emphasises the universal message of compassion and love found in all major religions and represents the notion that spirituality transcends religious boundaries and rituals.

The "OM + 786" licence plate alludes to Hinduism and Islam while also embodying secularism, the main theme of the film. In the context of "Oh My God," secularism refers to the viewpoint that morality and spirituality ought to be independent of any one particular religious institution or body of doctrine. The main character, Krishna, stands for a secular viewpoint that aims to refute religious dogma and advance a more inclusive and compassionate way of living.

This secular stance is represented visually by the number plate. It combines two symbols from different religions to show that there is a chance for peace and harmony among different faiths. It implies that people don't have to adhere to just one religious tradition in order to find inspiration and knowledge. This is consistent with the film's overarching message, which supports a secular society in which people are free to pursue spirituality in whatever manner they choose.

The "OM + 786" licence plate on Krishna's bicycle in the film "Oh My God" perfectly captures the film's multifaceted examination of religious beliefs, secularism, and spirituality in India. It is a symbol that denotes the coexistence of Islam and Hinduism while encapsulating the general idea of secularism. Through this seemingly unimportant detail, the movie prompts viewers to consider the true meaning of faith and the necessity of going beyond rote religious rituals.

The play "Oh My God" asks the audience to reconsider their religious convictions and to consider the commercialization of religion. It encourages people to adopt a more compassionate and open-minded perspective on spirituality by highlighting the commonalities among all major religions. The licence plate "OM + 786" serves as a potent reminder of the value of harmony and coexistence among various faiths in a diverse and pluralistic society like India.

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