America claims, 'Russian military intelligence had killed American soldiers'
America claims, 'Russian military intelligence had killed American soldiers'

Everyday new information is coming in the case of the Russian Military Intelligence Unit rewarding the Taliban-linked militants for killing the US and coalition troops in Afghanistan. Recently in this week, so far many information in this matter has been revealed. A few days ago, it was said by the White House that the information about intelligence is not given to US President Donald Trump. On Tuesday, two White House officials disclosed that the Russian Military Intelligence Unit had already given money in writing to the President about the money paid to kill American soldiers. In the same notes which are prepared for the President to read, this information was delivered in writing on his table.

The same officials say that the notes which are prepared to read by Trump, the issue was also included in the month of February. They were prepared and given a note in which it was clearly written, that the Intelligence Officials have informed that Russia is talking about rewarding terrorists for killing American soldiers.

It is now reported that the US intelligence officers and special operations teams had already alerted their superiors about this Russian conspiracy as early as January 2020, after that a note was issued by them. It was then placed in front of Trump. The same intelligence officers had received important information. While working on that information, the officers conducted a raid on the Taliban post, they got a huge amount of American cash from there, which led to the suspicion that these terrorists were given money to kill the soldiers.  This was also revealed in the interrogation of the terrorist caught by the intelligence officers.

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