The risk of these 4 diseases increases in the monsoon; here are the ways to avoid them
The risk of these 4 diseases increases in the monsoon; here are the ways to avoid them

While providing respite from the hot sun, rain also spreads many dangerous diseases. The monsoon season presents a number of risky diseases, such as typhoid diarrhea, to you and your family. Do not let the water around the house freeze in order to prevent these diseases during this season. Use a mosquito net when sleeping at night, and pay close attention to hygiene.

When monsoon season arrives, there is vegetation everywhere. The hot sun is relieved during this season. However, this season is rife with illnesses. The rainy season increases the risk of many serious illnesses like typhoid, dengue fever, and malaria.

There are many changes in temperature as a result of the changing seasons, which cause the spread of infections. Typhoid and other seasonal diseases can surround you and your family during the monsoon season. Let's learn about the illnesses that occur during the monsoon and what can be done to prevent them.


In the monsoon, dengue is the most prevalent illness spread by mosquitoes. It is a contagious illness. Fever, headaches, body aches, skin rashes, and joint pain are a few of the issues. The patient's life may occasionally be lost as a result of this illness.

Avoiding mosquito bites is the best way to protect yourself from dengue. Wear long sleeves and insect repellent when you are outside. In addition, avoid allowing water to freeze around your house. Mosquitoes proliferate more in areas where water collects.


Chikungunya is very contagious during the rainy season. The same species of mosquitoes that spread dengue also spread this monsoon disease. Additionally, this illness causes a fever, headache, joint pain, and a skin rash.

As with dengue, it's crucial to stay away from mosquitoes and keep the water around your house from freezing. Keep your home's windows and doors closed in addition to this. Because of this, mosquitoes won't enter your home.


Another common monsoon illness is malaria, which is spread by various mosquito species. You experience fever, chills, headaches, and muscle pain when you have malaria. Use mosquito nets at night and dress in long-sleeved clothing while outside to prevent this. In addition, remove the iced-over water from the area around your house.

Japanese fever

Japanese encephalitis is another name for Japanese fever. This condition also happens frequently during the monsoon. The patient in this situation may have a fever or serious brain issues. The patient's death may result from this as well. Keep your entire body covered during rainy days to prevent this fever. Use a mosquito net while sleeping at night.

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