Actor-director Prabhu Deva has recently shared the first look of the sequel of movie Geetanjali. Geetanjali was a horror comedy which was released in 2014. The movie is back with the sequel.P Prabhu Deva shared a poster of Geetanjali on his twitter account.
The poster showcases Anjali with the title of the movie as Geethanjali 2. the first movie stars Anjali. The movie is written by Kona Venkat and M.V.V Satyanarayana, the sequel is written by the same team and this time Subbu Vedula will direct it.
Apparently, Kona Venkat was fascinated by Subbu’s script. Both of them agreed that the plot would be an ideal follow up to Geethanjali. Actress Anjali, who starred in the first version, will also star in the sequel.
Subbu, who earlier made an independent English film, works as a Vice President for a bank in the US. He quit his job because of his passion towards cinema. This will be his directorial debut. While Subbu Vedula has penned the story, Kona Venkat has provided the screenplay and dialogues.
Filmmaker Kona Venkat also twitted about the film. He twitted "We are going to thrill the audience this time !!
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