These 4 Types of Foods Are The Cause Of Kidney Stones
These 4 Types of Foods Are The Cause Of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones can be an extremely painful condition. Yes, many times with a bad lifestyle, this problem starts increasing continuously. Supplements taken to maintain weight gain, medications, some kind of medical treatment or body can also cause a stone in the kidneys. But did you know that there are also some foods that can increase the problem of kidney stones. Today we are going to tell you about them.

Salt- If the sodium level in the body increases, then the calcium loss through urine also increases. Because of this, avoid using too much salt in food. Be sure to check the labels of processed or canned foods. To know how much sodium is in it. Along with this, the amount of sodium in fast food can be high, due to this, avoid eating too much of them.

Animal proteins- Many sources of protein such as red meat, pork, chicken, poultry and eggs increase the amount of uric acid in the body. However, by eating a lot of protein, the release of citrate chemicals in urine is also reduced. Citrate prevents kidney stones from forming. Let me tell you to include quinoa, tofu, chia seeds and Greek yogurt in the food instead of animal protein.

Intake of Oxalate- Foods containing oxalate promote kidney stone formation. If there is a stone in your kidneys, remove the oxalate from your diet completely. Always eat or drink calcium-rich foods along with eating foods that contain oxalate. Yes, because during the digestion, the oxalate will bind with calcium and the oxalate will not be able to reach the kidneys. Chocolate, beetroot, tea, nuts, spinach, sweet potato contain oxalate.

Added sugar- Added sugar or syrup is added to processed foods and drinks. Yes, and added sucrose and aided fructose can increase the risk of kidney stone. This cake, cold drink is found more in canned juice.   That's where it's important to avoid them. Also, drink 8-10 glasses of water.

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