These are some ways in which you should offer flowers to God while praying
These are some ways in which you should offer flowers to God while praying

Flowers are very important during worshiping god. God blesses us while we offer flowers to him but do you know that there are some ways to offer flowers to God.

These rules must be followed during worshipping the God. Today, we are going to tell about some rules associated with offering flowers to god.

1. If you are offering flowers to God, then always keep this in mind that the flower should not be used or damaged by any means. Apart from this, the flowers that fell on the ground should never even be offered to God.

2. To remove the old flowers, it should always be done in the morning or before sunset, at the noon flowers should not be removed.

3. Flowers like lotus don't get stale even for eleven days, so these flowers can be washed again and again offered to God.

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