These are the world's scariest restaurants, you will forget to eat here
These are the world's scariest restaurants, you will forget to eat here

Many people are desperate to go to the restaurant because eating there has its own fun. However, there are some restaurants in the world which are extremely terrible and the weak hearted should stay away from them. Today we are going to tell you about those terrible restaurants where you will have to eat with fear. Let's tell.

Nayotaimori (Tokyo) - This restaurant made in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is very famous among the people. Yes, here a dummy made in the shape of a woman adorned with food is placed on the table in front of people. At the same time, instead of knife and fork, operation tools are used for eating.

Mug House Pub (England) - Here in this beautiful restaurant built on rocky ground, you will have to pass through a cremation ground. Yes and after this you can see a place like backroom, bar and dining area and the most important thing is that while eating here you will hear some scary sounds in between.

 Dinner in the Sky (Belgium) - You will have to take heart to enjoy the delicious food here on the tables-chairs swaying in the air 160 feet above. During dining, 22 people are tied together on chairs with safety belts and taken to a height of 160 feet, from where you can see the whole city while eating.

 The New Lucky Restaurant (Ahmedabad) - There are dozens of stone coffins fitted with steel railings. It is said that these coffins belonged to the followers of a 16th century saint and the palak paneer here is the most delicious.

If you are fond of street food, then you must eat in these places in India

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