Son addicted to phone, father did this work to get rid of it
Son addicted to phone, father did this work to get rid of it

In today's time, children get addicted to the phone very quickly and to get rid of that addiction, parents try millions. Today we have a father who has done such a thing to get rid of his son's mobile addiction, that you will be happy to hear. We are talking about Jamie Clarke, whose son's name is Khobe. He lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and his son Khobe used to spend most of his time playing games on his mobile phone. The father was always upset, so he figured out an idea that would give up his mobile phone addiction and he would spend more and more time in the family.

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To do this, he decided to take a Mongolia bike trip with his son Khobe, and in July, both left for Mongolia. After that in a month, both traveled 2200 km and this journey changed the life of both so that they became happy. Jamies are mountaineers by profession and they have burnt Everest twice and they took their son to such places in Mongolia where the internet is far ahead. On this, Khobe said, "He had never spent a day without a phone before this trip." He says that if he did not use Snapchat and Instagram for a while, he would get angry. But all this changed due to this trip.

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With this, Jamie said about this, 'Mobile phone has become an addiction today. Every person suffers from this. If the phone is separating people in the family, then there is also the fault of the family. They should do something because they are family members. So, he made this trip plan." To this, Khobe says," After this trip, he came to know that the phone was wasting a lot of his time. He even got to know his father better." With this, Jamie says," He had no idea that his son had become so big and intelligent. "

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