This Day in History: Santhal Rebellion Day, June 30, Why It is Relevant Today
This Day in History: Santhal Rebellion Day, June 30, Why It is Relevant Today

On June 30, 1855, two years before the Great Revolt of 1857, a significant event in Indian history took place: the Santhal Rebellion. Led by two courageous brothers, Sidhu and Kanhu Murmu, this uprising marked a powerful stand against British colonial rule.

The Spark of Rebellion

The Santhal Rebellion was driven by the exploitation and oppression of the Santhal tribes by the British authorities and their local agents. The Santhals, an indigenous tribal community in the region of present-day Jharkhand, West Bengal, and Bihar, faced severe hardships due to high taxes, corrupt moneylenders, and loss of their land to British policies.

The Leadership of Sidhu and Kanhu Murmu

Sidhu and Kanhu Murmu, motivated by the suffering of their people, organized a massive gathering of 10,000 Santhals. They took a solemn oath to rid their homeland of British control and reclaim their rights. The Murmu brothers' leadership galvanized the community, instilling a sense of purpose and unity among the Santhals.

The Role of Phulo and Jhano Murmu
The rebellion was not just a movement led by men; the Murmu brothers' sisters, Phulo and Jhano, played a crucial role in the uprising. Their active participation highlighted the collective resistance of the Santhal community and showcased the vital contribution of women in the struggle for freedom.

The Rebellion Unfolds

On June 30, 1855, the Santhal Rebellion was officially proclaimed. The Santhals launched their attack against the British establishments, targeting government officials, moneylenders, and landlords who had wronged them. The revolt spread rapidly across the region, catching the British by surprise.

A Legacy of Courage

Although the rebellion was eventually suppressed by the British, the Santhal Rebellion left an indelible mark on the history of India’s struggle for independence. It was one of the earliest organized uprisings against British rule, predating the more well-known Revolt of 1857. The bravery and determination of the Santhals inspired future generations to fight for their rights and freedom.

Commemorating Santhal Rebellion Day

June 30 is remembered as Santhal Rebellion Day, honoring the spirit and sacrifice of Sidhu, Kanhu, Phulo, Jhano, and the thousands of Santhals who stood up against colonial oppression. This day serves as a reminder of the power of unity and resistance against injustice.

The legacy of the Santhal Rebellion continues to inspire, reminding us of the resilience and strength of those who fight for their homeland and rights.

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