Dog ruined woman's handstand challenge, watch viral video here
Dog ruined woman's handstand challenge, watch viral video here

Corona is wreaking havoc all over the world. To avoid this, many countries have a lockdown. People are locked in homes. In this way, new challenges are being taken. In the past, Olympic champion Simone Biles took a challenge. She also showed it by doing this. This video of her became quite viral. In this handstand challenge, the pyjamas were to be removed during the handstand. However, the rest also took the task. A woman was making a video along this line. But the dog came in between and spoiled the whole matter.

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In this video the woman is doing a handstand. While an elderly man is sitting near her is reading the newspaper. Meanwhile, on the wall on which she is doing the handstand, the dog walks. This is a fake handstand.

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The woman is doing all this while lying on the ground. Everything was a camera trick. People commented on this video. Did you know earlier that this is a fake handstand. Beware of such fake handstand, if you want to, then try to do original ones. Doggie spoiled the fun of the whole game.

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