This is the world's most expensive city, to live here you have to be a billionaire, not a millionaire
This is the world's most expensive city, to live here you have to be a billionaire, not a millionaire

According to the Mercer Cost of Living Survey 2024, Mumbai remains India's most expensive city. Delhi, previously at the top spot, now follows as the second most expensive city. Chennai ranks third, with Bengaluru in fourth place. Cities like Hyderabad and Pune follow closely behind, making living costs significantly higher compared to other Indian cities. Rent here is about 10 to 15 percent higher than elsewhere. Additionally, expenses such as school fees, dining out, and medical costs are also comparatively steep.

World's Most Expensive City

Globally, Hong Kong tops the list as the most expensive city, as per the survey. Singapore follows closely in second place, with Zurich in third. Geneva, Basel, and Bern follow in fourth, fifth, and sixth places respectively. New York, London, Nassau, and Los Angeles round out the top ten. Interestingly, seven out of the top 20 most expensive cities are in the United States alone. Surprisingly, no Indian city ranks within the top 100 most expensive cities worldwide. Mumbai, India's most expensive city, ranks 136th globally, while Delhi follows at 164th place. In the Asian context, Mumbai ranks 21st and Delhi 30th. This stark contrast might make Delhi and Mumbai seem less expensive when compared globally.

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