This is the world's most expensive restaurant, one dish costs lakhs of rupees
This is the world's most expensive restaurant, one dish costs lakhs of rupees

Everyone loves food. It's hard to find someone who doesn't enjoy indulging in a good meal. Food enthusiasts often go to great lengths to find the perfect dish, whether it's at a roadside dhaba or a fancy restaurant. But did you know where the world's most expensive restaurant is located and how much its dishes cost?

Exquisite Dining

For those who appreciate fine dining, the renowned SubliMotion restaurant in Ibiza, Spain, holds the title of the world's most expensive restaurant, as declared by the Michelin Travel Guide. Dining here costs approximately $2,000 per person, which translates to around ₹1,29,000 in Indian currency.

Why is it so Expensive?

SubliMotion is not just a restaurant; it's an experience. Located within an aquarium, the restaurant can transform its interior through virtual reality, light, and sound. Guests can enjoy meals while feeling like they're dining in space or sitting in the Roman Colosseum. The food itself is exquisite, complemented by a team of engineers, technicians, and scriptwriters who continually design themed experiences for visitors.

Seasonal Operation

Interestingly, this luxurious restaurant operates only during the summer months. Located in the Hard Rock Hotel, it accommodates only 12 guests at a time. Open from June 1st to September 30th each year, it also provides virtual reality goggles to enhance the dining experience, making it truly unforgettable.

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