This man found a new way to escape from corona
This man  found a new way to escape from corona

People are doing different types of experiments to prevent covid-19.  Though the use of masks and sanitizers is the most important way to protect against Kovid-19, but on social media, such videos are going viral which are telling about the native jugaad being adopted by the people that from covid-19 What are people adopting to protect One such video is becoming viral in social media these days. In which a person is seen taking steam from the cooker to rescue from Kovid-19. A few days before this a video went viral.

Where a person was sanitizing the vegetables with the help of cooker's steam. Now another person has brought the same jugaad. He is seen taking steam from cooker with jugaad. This jugadoo video is becoming quite viral on social media. This video has been shared on Twitter by a user named Vineet. While sharing this video, Vineet wrote, Where there is a will, there is a way. In this video it can be seen that a cooker is mounted on gas. A RO pipe has been installed on his whistle. Which is connected on the other cooker's handle. Steam is coming out of us.

Through which that person is taking steam. According to him, this jugaad in the covid-19 period can prevent infection. That is, if you take steam in this way, then you will not have Kovid-19. However, we are not saying that such a jugaad will help you in avoiding Kovid-19. But this video is very funny. This video was shared on 23 September 2020. Which has been seen more than 25 thousand 900 so far. At the same time, some 600 people have also liked this video. This video has been retweeted about three hundred times. All the users are giving their own feedback on this video. Users are enjoying this desi jugaad very much. People are giving fun reactions on this video. One user wrote, this is a scientist, give him a Nobel Prize.


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