Keep these things in mind before excessive use of microwave
Keep these things in mind before excessive use of microwave

Today we are going to share with you about the precautions to be taken before the use of Microwave, although today Microwave has become the companion of every kitchen. People usually make food according to their convenience and consume it whenever they feel hungry. But excessive use of microwaves causes many kinds of health problems. The use of microwave not only reduces the nutritional value of food, but if the food is heated in a plastic vessel, then the person's immunity, digestion problems, and even cancer risk remain. To avoid this damage, use a glass pot or microwave container to heat the food in the microwave. Never use plastic. Plastic is also heated along with food in the microwave and its elements are added to the food. Due to which the fertility of the person is adversely affected. If you are heating food in the microwave, then at once check the pot to see if it is microwave friendly or not.

It is worth noting that the microwave is periodically cleaned. Often women do not pay attention to its cleaning, due to which harmful bacteria start to grow and then they also contaminate your food. Therefore, pay adequate attention to microwave cleaning. However, along with cleaning, timely servicing of the microwave is equally important. A microwave may make your work easy and in a pinch, but before using it, you must see what you are heating in the microwave. Actually, there are many things that are advised not to heat in the microwave. Like, breast milk, processed meat, rice, chicken, leafy vegetables, beets etc. While using the microwave, you should also take care that you do not heat the same food again and again. Some people remove food directly from the fridge and place the bowl in the microwave, this method is absolutely wrong. First of all, take as much food as you want to eat on a second plate and let it come to a normal temperature first. After that heat the food. Anyway, heating the food, again and again, is not considered good for health.

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