Tragic Fire Claims 27 Lives at Drug Rehabilitation Center in Northern Iran
Tragic Fire Claims 27 Lives at Drug Rehabilitation Center in Northern Iran

Tehran: In a devastating incident, a fierce blaze ravaged a drug rehabilitation center in northern Iran, resulting in the tragic loss of at least 27 lives, as reported by state media.

Furthermore, the inferno left seventeen individuals injured, subsequently rushed to medical facilities in Langroud city, situated approximately 200 kilometers to the northwest of the nation's capital, Tehran, as per the information broadcasted on state television.

The fire ignited within the confines of a privately operated rehabilitation center during the early hours of Friday. Shocking video footage broadcasted on state television depicted ominous flames and dense plumes of smoke ascending into the night sky.

Prompt action by firefighting units led to the successful extinguishing of the conflagration. Concurrently, authorities have initiated a thorough investigation to ascertain the root cause of the tragic incident.

Incidents of this nature, although profoundly distressing, regrettably, are not uncommon in Iran. Such tragedies can be attributed to a variety of factors, including the lax enforcement of safety protocols, aging infrastructure, and insufficient emergency response capabilities.

In a strikingly similar occurrence in September, a fire erupted within an automobile battery manufacturing plant under the ownership of Iran's Ministry of Defense for the second time within the span of a single week. Miraculously, this incident did not result in any reported casualties.

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