Tragic School Building Collapse in Nigeria Kills 22 Students, Hundreds Trapped
Tragic School Building Collapse in Nigeria Kills 22 Students, Hundreds Trapped

Nigeria: A devastating incident occurred on Friday morning in Plateau state, north-central Nigeria, where a two-story school building at Saints Academy collapsed during classes. The collapse resulted in the deaths of 22 students and left rescuers scrambling to find over 100 individuals trapped beneath the rubble.

The disaster struck shortly after students arrived at the school. Many of the students were just 15 years old or younger. Initially, 154 students were reported trapped. By the end of the day, Plateau police spokesman Alfred Alabo confirmed that 132 students had been rescued and were receiving treatment at various hospitals, while 22 students had unfortunately lost their lives. Earlier reports had indicated a lower death toll of 12.

As the search for survivors continued, dozens of local villagers gathered at the site. Some were visibly distressed and others offered assistance, while excavators worked to clear the debris from the collapsed building.

In a heart-wrenching moment, one woman was seen trying to reach the wreckage, but was held back by others trying to offer support.

Nigeria's National Emergency Management Agency swiftly deployed rescue teams, healthcare workers, and security personnel to the scene. The government has instructed hospitals to provide immediate medical care without requiring documentation or payment to expedite treatment for the injured.

Plateau state officials have attributed the tragedy to the school's "weak structure and its location near a riverbank," and have urged schools in similar situations to close. The state government has highlighted the urgent need for stricter building safety regulations.

Building collapses have become increasingly frequent in Nigeria, Africa's most populous country. Over the past two years, there have been more than a dozen such incidents. Authorities often cite inadequate enforcement of safety regulations and poor maintenance as contributing factors to these tragic events.

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