Bollywood's King Khan i.e. Shah Rukh Khan had a birthday on November 2. He celebrated his 56th birthday. During this time, he received a lot of good wishes from all sides. Not only that but from fans to celebs celebrated his birthday in different ways. However, Shah Rukh's birthday celebrations took place not only in India but also abroad. You will be surprised to know that on the occasion of Shah Rukh Khan's birthday, the Burj Khalifa of Dubai was also seen painted in his colour.
Yes, the burj khalifa, the world's tallest building, was illuminated in the name of Shah Rukh Khan. Dubai has wished Shah Rukh a happy birthday through burj khalifa. You can see a special photo and video of this special occasion going viral on social media. The actor's fans are extremely happy to see it. You can see the picture of Burj Khalifa that has 'We Love You' written along with shah rukh khan's photo which is clearly visible.
Let us also tell you that Shah Rukh Khan celebrated his birthday with his family at the farmhouse in Alibaug. This was not the first time that Shah Rukh Khan has received a happy birthday through 'Burj Khalifa'. Infact, for the past 2 years, shah rukh's birthday in Dubai has been celebrating his birthday by sharing his name and sometimes his photo on the world's tallest building.
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