UK PM Sunak Warns: Voting for Nigel Farage Could Hand Election to Labour
UK PM Sunak Warns: Voting for Nigel Farage Could Hand Election to Labour

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has cautioned voters that supporting Nigel Farage's Reform UK party could lead to an electoral victory for the Labour Party. This warning came after a poll showed the right-wing Reform UK party ahead of Sunak's Conservatives for the first time.

Nigel Farage, known for his successful campaign for Britain to leave the European Union, leads Reform UK. The party, originally launched as the Brexit Party in 2018, has gained traction amid voter dissatisfaction.

Farage's return to active politics has split the right-wing vote, impacting Sunak’s chances in the upcoming election, which already favored the opposition Labour Party. A YouGov poll released on Thursday put Reform UK at 19%, an increase from 17%, while the Conservative Party remained at 18%. Labour, led by Keir Starmer, led the poll with 37%.

"If this poll was replicated, it would hand a blank cheque to Labour," Sunak said while attending the G7 summit in Italy, as reported by British media. "Ultimately, a vote for anyone who is not a Conservative candidate makes it more likely that Keir Starmer is in No. 10."

Farage praised his party's campaign progress, claiming they are now the true opposition to Labour. "We've made a phenomenal start," Farage said.

Labour officials emphasized the need to challenge Reform UK on policy issues. "We're going to take them on in the battle of ideas and arguments," said Labour's health policy chief on Sky News.

While other polls show the Conservatives ahead of Reform UK, the trend indicates a rise in support for Farage’s party since his leadership resumed. Polling expert John Curtice noted, "This is still bad news for the Conservatives," even if Reform UK is slightly behind on average.

Despite growing support, Reform UK is not expected to secure many parliamentary seats due to Britain’s first-past-the-post electoral system, which favors geographically concentrated support. Farage acknowledged the challenge but remained optimistic. "Our electoral system is outdated, but it is what it is," he said. "We may not get the number of seats we deserve, but we are going to win seats in parliament. How many? We've got momentum, and there's three long weeks to go."

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