Budget 2020-21: Hope of relief from the government amid recession, this step will be taken soon
Budget 2020-21: Hope of relief from the government amid recession, this step will be taken soon

New Delhi: The pace of Indian economy has been slow for some time. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had made it clear that the Indian economy is slow, but there is no fear of recession. Despite this, there are many such aspects, from which the call of recession can be heard clearly. In such a situation, people have great expectations from the upcoming budget. Before the efforts of the government, know where the need for improvement is and what sectors are in a bad state.

Global conditions are not better: According to information received from sources, the situation of global economy is also not very good amid India's concerns about the economy. After the trade war between America and China, the world is crumbling amidst the ruckus. The uncertainties of policies on it have increased this crisis further. It is being said that this crisis is being seen more in the emerging economies of the world. The global GDP growth rate is 3 percent. This is 0.6 percent less than the previous year. Whereas business growth rate has come down to 1.1 from 3.8 in 2018.

Economic plight: For your information, let us tell you that the Indian economy is growing at the fastest pace of the world. GDP growth rate in the second quarter ended in September decreased to 4.5 percent. This is the slowest move since March 2013. The growth rate in March 2013 was 4.3. Where the rupee continues to fall, the rupee continues to fall against the dollar. At the end of July, the value of the rupee was 68.9 against the dollar, but in a month it reached 72. As of now, the value of the rupee is 71.43 against the dollar.

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