US President Trump said this on the trade deal with China
US President Trump said this on the trade deal with China

New Delhi: It was only after US President Donald Trump took a strong stand in trade matters against China. The Trump administration bombarded tariffs on Chinese products. In response, China also began imposing tariffs on American products. In this way, the trade war between the two countries started. The brunt of which both countries are suffering. The US president said that he was not in a hurry to enter into a trade deal with China before the 2020 US presidential election. The US President was speaking during a joint press conference with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

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Trump said he wanted a full deal with China. He will not agree on any incomplete agreement. Right now the negotiators of both countries are in constant talks to end the trade war. Even before this, Trump has accused China on many occasions that he himself does not want any tangible result of talks on trade war till the Presidential elections in America. According to him, China probably feels that after the presidential election, power will change in America and it will be easier to deal with the new government.

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However, US President Donald Trump said in the past that China would have to pay a price that would be very difficult for her if the talks went ahead of the presidential election next year. Explain that Trump wants to advance the economy of his country by adopting a protectionist attitude.

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