Uttarakhand girl lose 30 kg weight and won two gold medal in powerlifting
Uttarakhand girl lose 30 kg weight and won two gold medal in powerlifting

If a person has a passion to do something, then he can achieve everything. At the same time, the weight of Mamta residents of Mal village of Almora reached 90 kg a year ago. She joined the gym on the advice of her husband to lose weight, which was the turning point of her life. Where Mamta lost 30 kg weight within a year, she surprised everyone by winning two gold medals in the national level powerlifting competition held in Delhi recently. At the same time, Mamta Bisht, living in Mal village of Almora, was educated at the Government Girls Inter College in Almora. She then privately passed BA first year examination from SSJ campus and BA second and third-year education from MPG College, Haldwani. Six years ago, Mamta was married to Ashok Bisht. Ashok works in Delhi.

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According to the information received, Mamta told that in the last few years, her weight started increasing rapidly and a year ago the weight became 90 kg. Her husband advised her to join the gym to lose weight. Gradually Mamata also started going to the gym with her husband. At the same time, Mamta lost 30 kg weight within a year, during this time, Mamta also obtained a six-month diploma from a fitness institute in Delhi. To reduce weight, Mamta started participating in powerlifting. He also decided to win a medal in the power lifting competition and won two gold medals in different categories at the National Bench Press and Dead Lift Power Lifting Competition held in Delhi on 29 December.

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About 40 participants from the states of Delhi, Haryana, UP, Tamil Nadu, etc. participated in this competition. Mamta won this medal in bench press and power lifting. Mamta told that she will also take part in other powerlifting competitions in the future.

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