Video!! Man suffered serious Heart Aliments, His dog this gesture is winning the hearts of people
Video!! Man suffered serious Heart Aliments, His dog this gesture is winning the hearts of people
The Bond of Dog and his master is very pure. Dog loves their masters and we have heard about several incidents where dogs save his master’s life by sacrificing his own life. In another incident, a dog gesture toward his master is winning the hearts of the people. According to the information a boy named as Brian Benson was recently diagnosed with cardiomyopathy after he experienced excessive water retention in his limbs. 
Brian was hospitalised for several days while the doctors ran tests on his body, which eventually resulted in his being diagnosed with a heart disease that affects the heart muscle and makes it hard for the organ to pump blood. Benson was getting checked out at the hospital, his family was under great pressure.  Benson’s dog love for his master caught everyone’s attention. 
His master share a heartfelt long not on his social media. He wrote, “I was having chest pains and a hard time breathing last weekend, so I went to the ER to get checked out. They kept me for 3 days to run countless tests plus observe my condition and monitor my heart.” He thanked his family member and there is special mention of his dog ‘Magnus’ as he wrote, “ There is Magnus. Thankfully he was allowed to stay with me 24/7 because he is also my service dog. He did exactly what he does best; kept me relaxed and took my mind off the current situation. He knows when to cuddle and when to get a little “goofy.” He made the medical staff smile and also kept my girls calm. I love this dog more than he will ever know. 
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