Cockroach having trouble during delivery, owner reached the hospital
Cockroach having trouble during delivery, owner reached the hospital

If cockroaches are seen in the house by mistake then everyone gets irritated. In such a situation, after listening to the story we are going to tell you today, you are going to be shocked. In fact, in this case, the pet cockroach of a Russian man was having some problems at the time of delivery, and then the doctors of animals did the surgery to save the pregnant mother's life and protect her cocoon. In the Limpopo of Krasnoyarsk in the Russian country of Siberia, a man raised cockroach and this cockroach was pregnant but its cocoon could not come out.

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After this, after seeing this condition of weak cockroaches, the owner was very upset, then he immediately took her to a Veterinary Clinic. The doctors there too were surprised after seeing him but did not refuse to treat Cockroach. He first gave anesthesia to Cockroach. After giving Cockroach the local anesthesia and pain medication, the doctors removed the cocoon but if there was a short delay, there was a risk of infection, which would eliminate both the cockroach and the cocoon.

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At the same time, after the cocoon came out, the cockroach came back to normal and started moving, after which the owner became very happy. At the same time, the owner of Cockroach became very emotional with this attitude of the doctors and a video of this entire operation has also been made, which is becoming increasingly viral at this time.

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