On Wednesday, Vijay Deverakonda celebrates has his birthday. Earlier the actor has been busy shooting non-stop in the scorching summer of Chennai for his upcoming movie. But it made him realize what happens to the general public who work in the sun on a daily basis.
Hence, leading to this today on his birthday, he has come up with a new idea. He distributed free ice creams to the public. taking Twitter, he posted a picture of a van with snaps of ice cream on it and called it ‘The Deverakonda Birthday Truck’.
On his Twitter post, he wrote, “A few days of shooting in the Sun made me think of this. What if I got 3 ice cream trucks to drive around the city and give out free ice cream to everyone going about their day in the heat. The traffic cops, the street vendors, students, employees. I am throwing the city a party, these trucks will be travelling through most of Hyderabad. We will be giving away IceCream to as many as possible nd If you spot them, don’t be shy just go and take some Ice Cream. smile and enjoy it.”
He also has clicked many pictures with the people who took his ice cream. He also asked them to share those snapshots with him. According to Hindustan Times, Deverakonda has interesting films in the pipeline this year. He plays a crucial role in Savitri biopic Mahanati, which has hit the screens today. He also awaits the release of Taxiwaala, which he has described as a multi-genre film, at its teaser launch last month.