If you want a healthy snack, then try this tasty recipe of walnut bread
If you want a healthy snack, then try this tasty recipe of walnut bread

Are you bored with daily snacks and have a desire to do so at least, then try this recipe of Walnut Bread, so let's know how to make it. 

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Necessary ingredients

Fresh Yeast - 25 grams
Hot water - 1 3/4 cup hot water
Honey - 1 tbsp
Malt Flour - 2 Tablespoons
All Purpose Flour - 375 grams
Whole Grain Wheat Flour - 200 grams
Walnuts - 150 grams
Salt - 7 grams

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Method of preparation: Mix lukewarm water in fresh yeast in a large bowl. If you are using dry yeast then mix it with flour. Then mix honey and all three types of flour in it and then knead it well. Now add chopped walnuts and salt and mix everything in the dough and knead it. And keep it like this for 5-10 minutes.

Leave the dough in the bowl just like that, cover it with the help of a dish towel and keep it in a warm place. Leave the dough for 60 minutes to form. Divide the dough into 6 pieces and roll each piece into long 'sausages'. Take three sausages and connect one side of it to the other.

Do the same with the next three sausages. Now you turn the two breaded breads into a single bread. Fold two portions under the bread. Place the twisted bread on the oven plate. Cover it with a clean dishtail and let it heat up for another 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. Spray some cold water in the oven to make some water steam. Now bake the bread for about 35 minutes. Your healthy and tasty bread is ready.

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