Watch! New 30 Seconds To Mars Song is being linked to Christianity
Watch! New 30 Seconds  To Mars Song is being linked to Christianity

The band 30 Seconds to Mars has newly released a new single called “Walk on Water.” Many of the band’s songs make associates with beliefs, religion, and the supernatural. However, this particular song is thought by many to have some religious baiting towards religion.

The title of the song directly brings to mind Jesus Christ’s miraculous act of walking on water. This phenomenon in history is iconic to Christians, as it is a symbol of great faith in God’s power. As you analyze the lyrics to the song as well as the corresponding videos in the background, you get a slight hang of the storyline.
In few of the videos mashed up in the background, you will watch the flashing images of July 4, 2017, events. They carry President Donald Trump giving a campaign rally speech, people waving the USA flag, others protesting and holding up a “resist” sign, soldiers marching with firearms, people performing superb acts that involve taking risks, boxing sessions and fireworks. There could be different interpretations of this music video. Some of the lyrics are, “Listen up hear the Patriot shout, times are changing. In the end, the choice was clear. Take a shot in the face of fear, fist up in the firing line.” These lyrics could be interpreted as a spiritual, religious fight against evil or Americans fighting against bad governance and ruling, especially in this time of political unrest in the USA.

 And If there is any religious aspect in the lyrics of the song, it is only to ask people to seek strong faith in their capabilities, just as Jesus did when he walked on water.


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