Leopard escaped by snatching a morsel from crocodile's mouth, watch video here
Leopard escaped by snatching a morsel from crocodile's mouth, watch video here

Like a human, the hunger of the animal becomes uncontrollable. After which the animal can go to any extent to calm hunger. Many times such things have also come to the fore. A few days ago a similar video surfaced from the Zambia forests in which it was seen that a leopard tries to snatch a piece of meat from the mouth of a big crocodile, to calm his hunger, he tries three to four times and succeeds in it.

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According to foreign media, traveler Nicole Dangur went to South Lungwa National Park in Zambia. Walking in the jungle is his hobby. Meanwhile, during the night, he made a video, in this video, it can be seen that a leopard goes near a crocodile. The crocodile hunted a reindeer and is present in resting posture after eating it. Pieces of reindeer meat are present near his mouth. Some pieces he had eaten and some are visible outside his teeth.

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After seeing these pieces, the leopard tries to snatch the morsel from the crocodile's mouth. In an effort of two to three times, he takes out a few pieces of meat. After removing the piece of meat directly from the mouth, the leopard tries to remove the pieces of meat from the other side as well. Here, in two attempts, he is able to snatch some pieces. After taking out a big piece in the third time, he goes away from there.

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