Fond of drinking too much tea? Be careful, weight gain can occur!
Fond of drinking too much tea? Be careful, weight gain can occur!

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in India. From the beginning of the morning till the evening, tea is drunk all the time. But do you know that drinking too much tea can also increase your weight? Nutritionists say that the calorie content of tea is low, but if you add milk, sugar or cream to it, the calorie content increases. A cup of tea contains about 30-40 calories, but if you add milk and sugar to it, the calorie content can increase to 100-150.

Here are some reasons why drinking too much tea can lead to weight gain:

1. Milk and Sugar: As mentioned above, milk and sugar are high in calories. If you drink tea several times a day, the calories from milk and sugar can quickly lead to weight gain.

2. Fat: Milk also contains fat content. If you use full cream milk, it can also increase weight.

3. Caffeine: Tea contains caffeine, which increases appetite. If you drink too much tea, you may feel more hungry and eat more, which can lead to weight gain.

4. Metabolism: Certain ingredients in tea can slow down metabolism, increasing the chances of weight gain.

So should one stop drinking tea?

No, it is not necessary that you stop drinking tea. You can enjoy tea and avoid weight gain by taking some precautions:

1. Drink less tea: Do not drink more than 2-3 cups of tea a day.

2. Reduce milk and sugar: Use less milk and sugar. You can use skimmed milk or soya milk instead of milk. Instead of sugar, you can use honey or jaggery.

3. Drink herbal tea: You can drink herbal tea, which is low in calories and caffeine.

4. Exercise: By exercising regularly you can control your weight.

5. Eat a healthy diet: Eat a healthy and balanced diet.

Drinking too much tea can lead to weight gain. If you want to lose weight or control your weight, you should reduce your tea intake and take some precautions.

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