Ways to remove your underarms hair naturally
Ways to remove your underarms hair naturally

Body hair removal is one of the painful and time-consuming tasks with a red bump, a rash or a hefty bill. While some women carry their body hair with pride, others prefer to be hair-free. From waxing to shaving and even laser, we go through it all for smooth, flawless, hair-free skin. But if you’re tired of all these methods and would like to try something more natural than here are some ways to remove this hair naturally.

Turmeric Paste: Make a thick turmeric paste using turmeric and rose water, Stir the paste well and apply on the underarm hair, Once applied leave it to settle for half an hour, Wash the paste with the towel soaked in warm water, Softly rub the area dry and repeat the process to remove underarm hair.

Milk and turmeric pack: Take 3 tablespoons of raw milk, and 1/2 tablespoon of turmeric, and make a smooth paste out of it. Apply the mixture to your underarm hair and leave it on for half an hour. Once it dries completely, soaks a clean towel in warm water and wipe the paste off.

Lentil and Potato: Soak lentil in water overnight to easily crush later, Crush the potato and squeeze its juice in a bowl,Mix potato juice with crushed lentil, Apply mixture and keep on for 20 minutes,Wipe the paste off.

Egg white and Cornflour: Take 1/2 tablespoon cornflour, 1 tablespoon sugar. Apply the pack evenly in your underarms and then peel off in the opposite direction.

Lemon and Sugar pack: One of the best way to remove your underarm hairs. This pack also helps to lighten your skin. Take a tablespoon of sugar and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, mix the two together and form a smooth paste. Apply it to your underarms and spread evenly in the direction of your hair growth. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then, wipe with a wet washcloth. 

Basil and Onion Paste: Take out the flimsy transparent layers from between the onion layers, Now squash the basil leaves alongside the onion films to get glue, Apply this glue on your unwanted hair, Leave for 15-20 minutes, and Wash off with water.

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