"We Worship Our Mothers Every Day," Says PM Modi as He Receives Mother's Day Gift in Bengal

Kolkata: On Mother's Day, during a public rally in Hooghly, West Bengal, Prime Minister Narendra Modi received a heartfelt gift: a portrait of his late mother, Heeraben Patel. Addressing the gathering, PM Modi expressed gratitude and emphasized that while the West celebrates Mother's Day on a particular day, in India, mothers are revered every day of the year.

During his speech, PM Modi requested the Special Protection Group (SPG) commandos to accept the portrait of his mother from two young individuals present at the rally.

"The people here have presented me with a portrait of my mother. While the West celebrates this day as Mother's Day, in India, we worship our mothers—Ma Durga, Ma Kali, and Bharat Mata—every day of the year. I request the SPG commandos to collect these portraits. Please write your addresses on the back of the paintings. SPG personnel, please take photographs of my mother from both these individuals. I want to thank both of them for this kind gesture," said PM Modi during the event.

In the first portrait, the Prime Minister was depicted sitting on the floor with his hands resting on his mother's lap. The second portrait showed PM Modi and his mother sitting together, with her hands placed lovingly on her son's shoulder.

Mother's Day, celebrated annually on the second Sunday of May, is a day to honor and celebrate mothers and mother figures around the world.

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