There are many strange law in this country, father can marry his daughter too
There are many strange law in this country, father can marry his daughter too

There are many such countries in the world, where they always remain in the headlines for their strange laws or customs. One such country is Iran, where there are such strange laws, which you will surprise you. Many kinds of restrictions have been imposed on people here, which you are hardly aware of. In this country, women cannot go to the stadium and watch men's sports. For not wearing hijab here, women are sentenced to 2 months in jail. Women wearing tight clothes in this country comes under the category of crime. There is also a law that women cannot refuse their husbands to have a relationship.

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In Iran, it is considered a crime for women to shake hands with non-men. If a woman is found shaking hands with someone, she is arrested. Last year, Iran's women's volleyball team finalized the under-23 category of the Global Challenge tournament. The team won, but the women players could not shake hands with the male coach of the team even after the victory. 

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In this country, only men are given the right to divorce. Here women do not even have the right to ask for a divorce from men. Apart from this, women are prohibited from working here without the will of the husband. Singing a song is considered a crime. People in this country are also forbidden to wear a tie. Here the father can marry his daughter too. This law was passed in Iran in 2013, under which Father could marry his own daughter, but the condition for this is that the daughter's age must be at least 13 years old.

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