What are the benefits and postures of Pawanmuktasana?
What are the benefits and postures of Pawanmuktasana?


Have you ever faced a situation where you have something really important coming up but all that you’re feeling is a lot uncomfortable in your stomach? You don’t understand if you’re having gastric issues or you have legit need to go the washroom. It happens to everyone. 
Sometimes intake of wrong food causes gastric glands to work causing a lot of problem in your gut.
Various solutions have been found by the doctors but the best natural solution of all is yoga.
Yoga has been curing various health issues since ages. It keeps you fresh and flexible.
Pawanmuktasan is an asana that is especially to get relief from gas problems. In fact, any aasan that uses your lower body helps you to stay away from body problems like these.

What are the benefits of pawanmuktasan?
1. It makes the intestinal activity more accurate.
2. Performance of the liver is improved.
3. Strengthen the spinal cord.

How to perform the aasan?
1.Lie down straight, with your hands and legs stretched.
2.Now slowly bring both the legs to your chest while holding with your hand.
3.Release the left leg while holding the right one.
4.Now keep changing the legs.
5.Repeat this till one minute.

Yoga should be adopted in daily life, it helps you to stay fit.









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