What Happens To Your Body When You Fast?
What Happens To Your Body When You Fast?

tyle="text-align: justify;">Stage 1: Day 1-2
Stage one lasts for the first couple of days of the fast or about 12-48 hours from your last meal.Try selecting a start day and time and then make preparations in your schedule for the duration of your fast.
Battery Save Mode
Several things happen at the cellular level that causes hunger and fatigue during this first stage. When you’re eating regularly, your body breaks down glucose to get the energy it needs to function properly. While you’re fasting, your body needs to produce sugar for energy.
Stage 2: Day 3-7
You may start to notice changes in your physical appearance
Fat Burning Mode
When you consume a typical diet of foods, your body breaks sugars and starches into glucose. Glucose is the primary source of energy for the body. 
Weight Loss and Cleansing
Ketosis is a predictable way to target fat stores that otherwise remain untouched even with a healthy lifestyle. 
Stage 3: Day 8-15
Clear Minded
By the third stage a sort of “fasting high” begins. This boost happens when your body fully adjusts to fasting. While not everyone reaches this stage, those who do report a dramatic improvement in how they feel. 
Healing Mode
This healing process begins as your digestive system takes a rest from the common stressors and toxins it endures on a daily basis. 
Stage 4: Day 16 and Beyond
While there may be some changes moving beyond this juncture, there is a daily balance that starts to set in.
You are at a place most have never gone.Only be attempted under close supervision from a trusted healthcare professional.
Stage 5: Breaking the Fast
While we don’t assign a specific target day, you may want to make breaking your fast a planned event you can look forward to and celebrate when it’s all done.
Write down what you’re hoping to get out of it and what you want to accomplish. If done correctly, the end of a fast is the perfect time to begin a dramatically healthier diet and lifestyle.

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