Five myths every girl should know about 'virginity'
Five myths every girl should know about 'virginity'

Teenagers frequently blow rumors about sex, they are unaware of actual facts about sex. Whatever they hear they spread it, and whatever their friends listen, they believe the fact. At early age many of the girls listen about 'virginity', most of the girls fear of losing virginity and if this fear changes into Phobia then it could have severe impact on her brain. She starts distracting herself from her sexual life and even she keeps distant from her partner, here are some facts which you should know about virginity and cop-up with your own desire, not with spread rumors:

Hymen is not closed permanently:

Many People believe that presence of Hymen is virginity but, its not true. All the girls have hymen permanently open to let menstrual blood flow out. It has flexibility to stretch during copulation and you can't decide the virginity of girl by the size of her vaginal opening.

Do you think your body part can disappear:

I don't understand how someone can make non-sense kind of rumors, who says having sex will disappear your hymen? Actually, its all Spurious talks, hymen is the part of your body and it remains there till the time of your death.

Undetectable hymen doesn't mean, the girl is not virgin:

Breakage of hymen is not only due to sex, there are many other reasons like riding bicycle or practicing gymnastics, whatever activity which tends to split our legs can cause opening of hymen.

Its not necessary that first sex would result in bleeding:

It may be possible that your various practices may cause diminishing of your hymen, which can stretch your opening, making perfect shape for copulation. Thus it is not necessary for every girl to bleed after first sex.

Virginity cannot proven medically, it don't cause any changes:

Neither virginity can be tested nor the gynecologist can examine your virginity, its not true that sex will cause changes in your body shape. Nobody can claim that you had sex, just by observing your body.    

So, make love and be healthier, see how it will keep you fit !

Making love will make you healthier !

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