What is World Hearing Day? History Significance and Slogans
What is World Hearing Day? History Significance and Slogans

World Hearing Day is observed on 03 March each year globally. The World Hearing Day campaign is organized by the Office of Prevention of Blindness and Deafness, an organ of the World Health Organization. 

This event commenced in 2007 as International Ear Care Day. Later, in 2016, the name got changed to World Hearing Day. 

The main objectives behind the World Hearing Day are “to share information and promote steps towards the prevention of hearing loss and improved hearing care”. To achieve these targets, each year World Health Organisation selects a theme, develops educational materials around the chosen theme and makes the educational material available for free in several languages worldwide.

Let’s not read or learn about World Hearing Day just for the sake of it.Let us  Strive to develop appropriate ear care habits for yourself, then share them with others. Also, do not let a person's condition prevent you from communicating with them if they have lost their capacity to hear for any reason. If we all make an effort to learn some fundamental sign language techniques, we can all communicate with persons who have severe hearing loss.

Every year, a theme is selected that can promote the message of the international day in a better way. This year’s 2023 theme is “Ear and hearing care for all!” The theme for this year’s World Hearing Day shines the light on the importance of integrating ear and hearing care in primary care. And all this is considered an essential component of universal health coverage.

World Hearing Day slogans:

Protect your ear, here and there

No need to fear if you protect your ear

Hearing protection is easy, Hearing is priceless

Ear protection must be worn

Hearing protection sounds good

Listen up! Protect your hearing

Warning! Risk of high noise levels, hearing protection must be worn

It’s a noisy world. Protect your hearing

Block that noise, wear ear protection

Save your hearing, wear hearing protection

Warning! Hearing protection required

Your hearing power is in your hands

Protect your hearing

Wear ear protectors

Life is worth listening to, wear hearing protection

Caution! Ear protection area

Hearing safety for your future

Give your ears a rest

Keep calm and protect your hearing power

Love your hearing, protect your hearing

Hearing protection is a sound investment

Forgot your hearing protection? Forget about hearing!

Hearing loss is a huge loss, protect your important tool

Protect your ears or end up deaf

Hands Up, wear hearing protection

Hey! It’s up to you! Hearing loss is preventable

Noise. It all adds up. Wear hearing protection

Better to be safe than to be sorry!

Keep calm & wear hearing protection



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