What man wants his partner to understand?
What man wants his partner to understand?

Women express their emotions very easily. The same men can not express their feelings easily compared to women. He wants his partner to consider these things without saying himself. Let's know what it is?

- Girls are comfortable in expressing their emotions all the time. She loses her grief when she is sad. But in the case of boys, the case here is reverse. He never expresses his grief to anyone when he is depressed. He wants his partner to understand this thing himself.

- Men never say this thing in front of their partner.But when his partner mentions an event man, he feels bad about this. He always wants his partner to realize this.

- Every girl complains to her partner that she does not give them any time. First of all, having this thing in your mind, being in a relationship does not mean that your partner will give you all your time. This is the worst thing about women to men. Despite this, he never mentioned this thing in front of his partner.

- Every man wants his partner to take care of him as a child. But this thing most men can not say to their partner.

- This thing could probably never be called a man. But he fears losing his partner. Often there is such a thing because of this fear. Whom he can not say to his girlfriend or wife. In such a situation, the girlfriend / wife's duty is to understand that she understands the position of the partner's mind.

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