What will we be eating in 50 years?
What will we be eating in 50 years?

The UN predicts that there will be nearly 11 million people on the planet by 2070. Meanwhile, many already don’t get enough to eat, and still others suffer from malnutrition. What can be done to ensure adequate nutrition for everyone? according to the Global Footprint Network, we are “currently using nature 1.75 times faster than our planet’s ecosystems can regenerate.” So, what are we going to eat, and where will it come from?

Malnutrition overview

In February 2018, the World Health Organization indicated that 1.9 billion adults were overweight or obese. Undernutrition—an imbalance in the energy required to maintain the human body—is linked to 45 per cent of deaths among children under five. Globally, one in nine people suffers from hunger. Unfortunately, finding the middle ground between too much and not enough is not in our immediate future.

Food from a printer

3D printers are already working small miracles in health care (custom prostheses, synthetic skin for treating severe burns, etc.). Food isn’t far behind—it’s already possible to print a few ”meals” with a minimum of preparation. Unsurprisingly, NASA has been working for several years on how to take full advantage of this time- and space-saving technology for future missions to Mars.

In vitro meat

The very first burger prepared with meat cultivated in a laboratory was eaten in London in 2013. How much did it cost? An estimated US$330,000 (C$435,293). The price clearly reflects the cost of the research. Today, thanks to advancements in the cultivation of synthetic muscle cells, that cost is far lower. It’s possible that, within a few years, we could be growing meat and no longer have to kill a single animal. This technology could also result in a significant reduction in energy consumption (up to 96% less water), land use (up to 99%), and greenhouse gas emissions (up to 96%).

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