Who is considered to be the father of Sitar and Tabla?
Who is considered to be the father of Sitar and Tabla?

Which was the port city of Indus Valley Civilization?
Ans:- Lothal

Who is considered to be the father of sitar and tabla?
Ans:- Amir Khusro

Which is the highest plateau in the world?
Ans:- Pamir or the Plateau of Tibet

Who is the Chairman of the Planning Commission?
Ans:- The Prime Minister

05. Which gas is used in the manufacture of vanaspati ghee?
Ans:- Hydrogen

Who was the first Indian to cross the English Channel?
Ans:- Mihir San

How much watt is one horsepower equal to?
Ans:- 76 watts

08. What is the reason for water droplets to be round?
Ans:- Dorsal tension

09. Which is the first man-made fibre?
Ans:- Nylon

10. Should there be a distance between the listener and the reflector to hear a clear echo?
Ans:- 17 m

11. In which medium does the speed of light have the highest speed?
Ans:- Vacuum

12. Which color of light has the highest scattering?
Ans:- Purple

13. Which mirror is used in the headlights of vehicles?
Ans:- Concave

14. Why do the stars appear to twinkle in the sky?
Ans:- Due to the refraction of light

15. What is the primary color called?
Ans:- Red, Green, Blue

16. Which gas is filled in the tyres of aircraft?
Ans:- Helium

17. Which metal is a mixture of suture metal or solder?
Ans:- Tin and lead

18. Glaucoma disease is related to which part of the body?
Ans:- Eye

19. What is the name of the world's first female astronaut?
Ans:- Valentinea Tereshkova

20. Who was the author of the book 'Origin of Species by Natural Selection'?
Ans: - Charles Darwin

Which is the largest tribe in India?

GK: Which is the oldest mountain range in India?

Which was the first artificial satellite?

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