Geneva: The outbreak of Corona growing every day here has increased so much today. That there is only a view of Tawahi everywhere. Not only the coronavirus every day, but there are other diseases about which there is still no one in the public. More than 17200 people have died in the whole world due to Corona's grip. The World Health Organization has said that there is a possibility of increasing the cases of infection and deaths from coronavirus worldwide. The organization says that 85 per cent of new cases of infections and deaths have come from Europe and America. Meanwhile, the United Nations has requested to suspend sanctions from Iran. WHO spokeswoman Dr Margaret Harris said, "In fact, the spread of the virus is increasing at a very rapid pace and the numbers are likely to increase significantly from the overnight data we get."
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According to the information received, UN Human Rights Chief Michel Bechlet has requested to urgently re-evaluate the sanctions imposed on countries like Iran in the wake of the Coronavirus epidemic. Whereupon he issued a statement saying, 'In such a delicate time, the region-wise restrictions should be relaxed or suspended in support of global public health and the rights and lives of crores of people in these countries. In the context of the global epidemic, the hindrance of a country's medical efforts increases the danger in all countries.
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The head of South East Asia of WHO, Dr Poonam Khetarpal Singh, had said in the past that reports of the spread of Kovid-19 have not yet come out. Kovid-19 is spread mostly by small droplets coming out of breath (such as small droplets from a sick person when they sneeze) and close contact. If Dr Poonam is to be believed, further research and analysis of data are needed to understand the spread of the virus. On the other hand, WHO chief Tedros Adnom Ghebreyas said yesterday that we can still control the pace of this epidemic by taking necessary steps.
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