Why are 'Baby' movements in the womb frequent at night???
Why are 'Baby' movements in the womb frequent at night???

Pregnant women anxiously wait, when they will finally get to experience or feel their baby move or kick inside the womb. Every pregnancy is different from the other. Every baby is different, both before and after they are born.

Some women experience movements from the fifth month while some from the seventh month onwards. During this time, you will notice routines in the behaviour and preferences. “Normal behaviour” varies from one foetus to the next, but generally, all movement is good movement, no matter when it occurs.

At night, however, you notice that the baby moves more often than otherwise; it is possible during the day too, but you are not aware as you are on the go. This is because at night you are either sitting in one place, resting or sleeping. This might be especially true if you’re not far along into your pregnancy. You might not feel every blink, hiccup and reach of the hand, if you're preoccupied. You might only notice the forceful kicks when something really gets a rise out of the baby.

However, in some cases a sudden increase in movement may be the only warning sign of foetal distress. It is important that you report this or consult your doctor about the change in your baby’s movements, even if this is a sudden spell of increased movement that is not followed by a spell of reduced foetal movement.

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