Why King Charles and Family Cancel String of Engagements Post Election Announcement
Why King Charles and Family Cancel String of Engagements Post Election Announcement

Following Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's unexpected call for summer general elections, the royal family has decided to postpone any events "that might draw attention away from the election campaign." On Wednesday, Sunak requested King Charles III to dissolve Parliament for the election. The royal announcement followed soon after the King approved Sunak's request.

Buckingham Palace conveyed the King and Queen's "sincere apologies" to those affected by the cancellation of events due to the general elections, on Wednesday. The announcement of the July 4 vote disrupted a series of events planned for King Charles and other members of the royal family. However, the King and Queen's appearances for the D-Day 80th anniversary in Portsmouth and Normandy are expected to proceed as scheduled.

UK General Elections on July 4

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced a national election for July 4 on Wednesday. The recent announcement has put an end to months of speculation about the election date. The surprise election announcement, coming months earlier than expected, is viewed as a risky strategy for Sunak's party, which lags far behind Labour in opinion polls.

"Now is the moment for Britain to choose its future and decide whether it wants to build on the progress we have made or risk going back to square one with no certainty," Sunak stated during the announcement.

"In the coming weeks, I will fight for every vote, earn your trust, and demonstrate that only a Conservative government led by me will not endanger our hard-earned economic stability," he added.

Significantly, Rishi Sunak is currently experiencing a significant drop in popularity among the British public. Moreover, he finds himself somewhat isolated within his own party. As a result, he increasingly relies on a small team of advisors to navigate a challenging campaign.

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