Answer these questions to get good marks in competitive exams
Answer these questions to get good marks in competitive exams

All the competitive examinations of Group C and D are going to start in the coming few days. Some such general knowledge questions can be helpful for these exams. When you take part in some competitive exam, you will see that many questions of general knowledge are often asked. 

Question - In whose memory is the Nobel Prize awarded?
Answer - Nobel Prize is given in memory of scientist Alfred Bernhard Nobel.

Question - Which is the biggest national award of India?
Answer - Bharat Ratna is India's largest national award.

Question - When was the Gandhi Peace International Award instituted?
Answer - Gandhi Peace International Award was started in 1995.

Question - Which is the most prestigious international award given in the film world?
Answer - The most prestigious international award in the film world is the Oscar Award.

Question - What is the award given in the journalism field in the world?
Answer - Pulitzer Prize is given in the journalism field in the world.

Question - When was the Kalinga Award launched in the country?
Answer: Kalinga Puraskar was started in 1952 in the country.

Question - Grammy Award is related to which field?
Answer - Grammy award is related to the music field.

Question - Who is called Akbar of Kashmir?
Answer: Akbar Jainul Abedin is called Akbar of Kashmir.

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