Woman slits ex-husband throat, Surrendered
Woman slits ex-husband throat, Surrendered

A sensational murder case has emerged in Dehradun. A woman first killed her divorced husband and then went to the police station and surrendered herself over to the police.   According to the police, a woman named Salma told that she had murdered her husband, Gayyur Khan. As soon as the police reached the scene of the incident, police found a body lying in the pool of blood, whose hands and feet and mouth was tied with tape.

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During police interrogation 30-year old Salma informed that she and Gayyur Khan, aged 27-years, got married in the year 2017. Soon after their love marriage, Gayyur told Salma that his parents are unhappy with the marriage and had disowned him. Salma told the police that Gayyur used to sexually and mentally harass her, because of which she was mentally stressed out. Then on the night of April 7, she mixed about half a dozen sleeping pills in the liquor which he consumed. After drinking the spiked liquor, he lost his consciousness. She then tied his hands, legs, and mouth with tape and cut his throat slit open.

Police have recovered the house knife allegedly used by Salma to slit the throat of the victim. She has been booked under section 302 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and was presented before the court on Monday afternoon.

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