World’s first hydrogen-powered aircraft being built in Netherlands
World’s first hydrogen-powered aircraft being built in Netherlands

Netherlands-based South Holland's regional development agency, InnovationQuarter, announced on Monday that a significant Dutch cooperation is working on a hydrogen-based aircraft that is completely green from fuel to motor. The technology, which originated in the Netherlands, can be scaled up to larger aircraft.

The world's 'first-ever' larger passenger aircraft driven by liquid green hydrogen, with 40-80 seats, will travel between the Netherlands and London in 2028, according to InnovationQuarter.

The Netherlands will thereby become the world's leading supplier of hydrogen-powered aircraft. The exhaust will no longer contain CO2 or nitrogen, resulting in zero CO2 emissions during air travel. And this isn't going to be a one-time excursion. Multiple commercial flights will be launched around the world starting in 2028.

HAPSS (Hydrogen Aircraft Powertrain and Storage System) is a Dutch public-private collaboration led by Unified International and InnovationQuarter and including 17 firms, including Fokker, TU Delft, the Dutch government, and the Royal Dutch Aerospace Center.

The National Growth Fund awarded €383 million to the Aviation in Transition initiative, which includes the HAPSS project. The technology will be ready for use in the lab by 2025.

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