World's first mobile phone sold in Japan today
World's first mobile phone sold in Japan today

Japanese Electronics Company developed a human-shaped smartphone, Sharp and engineer Tomotaka Takahashi, inventor of the first robot astronaut 'Kirobo', sold with a base price of 198,000 yen ($1,800), EFE news reported.

The pocket-size walking and dancing robot, world's first robotic mobile phone RoBoHon, a started sale today. To mark the launch, the Osaka-based company opened the RoBoHon Cafe in Tokyo where visitors can test the robot until June 7.

Apart from being used as a mobile, the 19.5-cm tall humanoid robot weighing 390 grams could be used as projector to display video, photos or maps. It also offers a wide range of applications based on conversation with the android. RoBoHon can also recognise faces of people using its front camera and then address them by their name.

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