Yoga Asanas for beginners
Yoga Asanas for beginners

Mountain pose: The alignment in mountain pose draws a straight line from the crown of your head to your heels, with the shoulders and pelvis stacked along the line. Every person's body is different, so focus on rooting down with your feet and lengthening up with your spine.

Warrior Pose: It helps to improve balance in the body, augments stamina, and releases stress in the shoulders. Also, strengthens the legs, arms, and lower back and is especially helpful for those leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Adho Mukho Svanasana:. Sit on your heels, stretch your arms forward on the mat and lower your head. Form a table, like pushing your hands, strengthening your legs, and slowly raising your hips. Press your heels down, let your head hand freely, and tighten your waist.

Trikonasana: Stretch your right foot out (90 degrees) while keeping the leg closer to the torso. Keep your feet pressed against the ground and balance your weight equally on both feet. Inhale and as you exhale bend your right arm and make it touch the ground while your left arm goes up. Keep your waist straight.. Stretch as much as you can while taking long, deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.

Naukaasan: Lie back on the mat with your feet together and hands by your side. Take a deep breath and while exhaling gently lift your chest and feet off the ground. Stretch your hands in the direction of your feet. Your eyes, fingers and toes should be in one line. Hold till you feel some tension in your navel area as your abdominal muscles begin to contract. As you exhale, come back to the ground and relax.

Sukhasna. Sit comfortably on the mat with crossed legs (left leg tugged inside the right thigh and right leg tugged inside the left thigh). Keep your spine straight. Place your hands on your knees. You can use the Jnana mudra or Chin mudra. Relax your body and breathe gently.

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