Yoga Can Help You In Getting Healthy & Strong Hair
Yoga Can Help You In Getting Healthy & Strong Hair

Now a days lifestyle has become totally stressed and in this we usually neglect our body. Stress can develop various problems in our body like blood pressure, migraine, problems related to beauty as well.

Though hair is a very important part of our body and hair fall has become a crucial problem of boys and girls now a days. They complain a lot about their hair fall which can be due to use of harmful chemicals, unhealthy diet, busy schedule, UV rays, genetic disorders, pollution and many more reasons. Yoga helps in making harmony between body and soul. 

Here you can see how yoga helps you in getting your hair healthy and strong. As we all know yoga is beneficial for our whole body. It keeps us fit and healthy and maintains weight too.

Here are 6 effective poses of yoga that will help you in maintaining the health of your hair.

1. Anullom villoma

Take a deep breath from one nostril and then leave the breath from the other one.When we inhale fresh air deeply inside our body.It exhales all impurities and open the functioning of all the nerves that helps in blood circulation to the brain and hence open the pores of hair making it strong.

2. Kapalbhati pranayam

Take a deep breath  through nose and fill all the air in the lungs, stretch your stomach inside and exhale the air through mouth.Repeat it as many times as you can. This tightens the abdominal muscles making you slim as it burns belly fat. It even aids lusture to your skin and cures dark circles and increased blood circulation finally cures hair loss.

3. Surya namaskar

This is the combination of all 12 yoga poses that is very popular and it has many benefits. These 12 asanas can be learned through a professional and performed daily morning. This keeps the body and other organs oxygenated making you fresh and reducing stress and thus improving hair loss.

4. Sirsasana

This asana is popularly known as headstand and is named as king of all poses. It is very tough to master but once you do it, it can give you physical and mental benefits both. In this asana, head comes downwards and the whole body is in downwards position making whole pressure on the head and so blood circulates maximum in head making hair roots stronger and hair thicker.

5. Utthanasana

Stand straight stretching your arms and hands upwards taking a deep breath and slowly bend downwards touching the feet with hands and hold on the breath for few seconds and then again raising upwards slowly exhaling the breath. This pose releases tension and makes you stress free which is the main cause of hair fall.

6. Balayam yoga

This yoga was popularized by Baba Ramdev and the best thing about this yoga is that it can be done anywhere. It is very simple and everyone can do it. Curl your fingers facing each other and start rubbing the nails of both the hands. Do it as much as you can. It cures dandruff and makes your hair strong and healthy.

Along with yoga, you need to have a healthy diet full of proteins and calcium that is green leafy vegetables, milk, eggs, pulses etc. Keep yourself stress-free with these yoga poses and look beautiful with your long healthy shiny hair that aids a charm to you and makes you more attractive.

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